A short documentary was filmed about last year's mental health rally by Brave New Films! It was an amazing experience.
Check out the video. ⤵
Brain Function
The body’s neural information system:
Neurons: nerve cells, building blocks of the nervous system
Dendrites: receive messages from other cells
Axon: passes messages from the cell body to other neurons/muscles/glands
Myelin sheath: covers the axon of some neurons and speeds neural impulses
Glial cells: support, nourish, and protect neurons (play a role in thinking/learning)
How neurons communicate:
Synapse: meeting point between neurons
Neurons send neurotransmitters across the synaptic gap
Neurotransmitters: chemical messengers that cross the synaptic gap between neurons
Bind to receptor sites on receiving neurons
Reuptake: neurotransmitters that are reabsorbed by the sending neuron
Can also drift away or be broken down by enzymes
The nervous system:
Nervous system: electrochemical communication network, consists of PNS and CNS
Central nervous system: brain and spinal cord, decision maker
Peripheral nervous system: gathers info and transmits CNS decisions to other parts
Nerves: bundles axons that form neural cables connecting CNS with muscles/glands/organs
Sensory neurons: carry incoming info from sensory receptors to CNS (afferent)
Motor neurons: carry outgoing info from CNS cord to muscles/glands (efferent)
Interneurons: communicate and process info between sensory inputs and motor outputs